
How To Create A Word Document With A Table Of Contents

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Using a table of contents in your document makes it easier for the reader to navigate. Y'all tin can insert a table of contents in Word from the headings used in your document, and so you can update it after making changes to the document. Here's how to practise it.

How to Add a Table of Contents

Regardless of the size of your document, using a table of contents tin direct the reader to exactly where they demand to be. In addition to making the document more reader-friendly, a table of contents also makes it easier for the author to go back and add or remove content if necessary.

By default, Word generates a table of contents using the first three built-in heading styles (Heading one, Heading two, and Heading 3). To apply heading styles, select the particular style from the "Home" tab. If you're non happy with the types of heading styles available, you tin can change the default heading style.

Apply heading styles

You tin manage this in two different means. You can either apply the heading styles to each department later y'all've finished the document, or y'all can add them as you go.

One time yous've applied your heading styles, it's time to insert your table of contents. The beginning thing you need to do is put the cursor where you desire the table of contents to announced. In one case ready, caput over to the "References" tab and select "Tabular array of Contents."

Select table of contents option in references tab

A drop-downwards menu will appear. Here, you lot tin cull between the iii different congenital-in tables.

Built-In Table of Contents menu

The only divergence between Automatic Tabular array 1 and ii is the title, which is "Contents" and "Table of Contents," respectively. Selecting either Automatic Tabular array 1 or 2 will create the tabular array of contents using the names of the headings.

Inserted Table of Contents

If y'all chose the "Manual Table" option from the "Table of Contents" drop-down menu, so it will insert a template for you that you will need to edit yourself.

Manual Table of Contents

Y'all may notice in this table of contents that there are sub-levels. Each level represents a heading style in your certificate. So if you use the automatic table and you desire sub-levels in your ToC, y'all will need to employ heading 1 for level one, heading 2 for level 2, and heading 3 for level 3.

If you want your table of contents to become deeper than the superlative three heading styles, y'all can practice that, too. On the dropdown carte when you lot click the "Table of Contents" button, cull the "Custom Table of Contents" option.

custom table of contents option

In the Tabular array of Contents window that opens, click the "Options" button.

click the options button

In the Table of Contents Options window, next to each bachelor style you want to use (these are Discussion'southward congenital-in styles starting with Heading 4), blazon the TOC level you wish to employ. Click "OK" when you're washed.

select the heading styles you want to use

How to Update the Table of Contents

If yous ever need to add together or remove a section from your document, you tin can easily update the table of contents to reverberate those changes. To update your table of contents, select information technology, click "Update Tabular array" on the popular-upward menu that appears, and then cull whether you want to update only the page numbers or the entire table. Click "OK" to apply the changes.

Your tabular array of contents volition at present be updated. This is very useful when you lot desire to add together or remove a heading from the table of contents.

How to Remove the Table of Contents

Removing the table of contents is simple. All yous need to do is select information technology and then click the pointer on the bill of fare that appears.

drop-down arrow for removing the table of contents menu

At the lesser of the drop-down card, select "Remove Table of Contents."

Remove table of contents

Your table of contents will now be removed from your certificate.

How To Create A Word Document With A Table Of Contents,


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